When I was in college, I had a few internships with Caterpillar, one of the world’s largest manufacturing companies. One day, the intern manager called all the interns asking if …

I’ve realized what has been missing in my life: play. The spontaneous bursts of joy that result from unexpected laughter, random off-the-wall antics, and pure silliness. I was sitting in …

Yesterday I posted about the power of language in understanding how you feel. After posting, I stumbled upon a study with this gem of a sentence: In an interpretation of …

Verbally labeling an emotion is much like applying a digital technology (language) to an analog signal (emotion and emotional experience). An analog signal is a continuous signal with infinite resolution. …

How many of you have smartphones? And if you have a smartphone, how many apps would you say you use on a weekly basis? Daily basis? Minute-by-minute basis? Many apps …

Yesterday, I posted about Breathless, and how such a beautiful film can have an emotional impact on a culture. Today I’ll talk about how emotions and breathing are inextricably linked. …

Wow. A few weeks ago, I watched the debut of the short film, Breathless, at TEDxMileHigh in Denver. The most important part of this post is that you watch the …

Honest Tea recently ran a fascinating experiment, unbeknownst to its customers. The company set up 60 kiosks around the US where they gave people tea and requested that they deposit …

The long-anticipated baby prince has been born. For many, they feel absolutely joyful. According to the BBC, congratulatory messages have been flooding in from all over the world. For others, …

Music! (Said in a Bill Nye voice) A recent study in Scientific American discusses how groups that sing together, pulse together. As a self-professed lover of music that has soul …

Yes, the Spanish be, not bee. Languages are wonderful tools for understanding how we see the world (see linguistic relativity). In high school (and to this day), one of the …