In a world of so much content, why would I produce more? It just seems as if we are constantly being inundated with stuff to watch, to hear, to see, to do, that we don’t find time for ourselves. To be with nature, to be with silence, to stay focused on one simple task. It’s the challenge that I can produce stuff very easily and yet to consume it takes a long time. I’ve felt this pain with regards to email and Facebook and other messaging platforms. If someone writes me a very long message, I struggle to respond as it can feel quite burdensome to do so. However, it feels very simple for me to just set my fingers on the keyboard and type out things that are coming to my mind pure stream of consciousness. Do people want to read what I have to type? Do people want to hear what I have to say? Do people want to see what I have to show? I guess only time will tell and this is the beginning. Or the continuation, because I’ve done this before 😛