
Hey everyone welcome to another DailyJim Today is the episode today, it's the episode for Wednesday july 13th, slightly after so far after I should really be asleep. But today I wanted to talk about how sometimes our physical condition can really mess with the rest of our day. Um I was talking with a friend earlier who was feeling very, very cold, and I was just imagined she got irritated about some other things and I was just imagining how much does that feeling of cold transfer into? Music. Mhm.

Do I stop because the chime comes on or just get much better at doing this? Not when the chime is coming? Uh Anyways, so she, I was wondering just how much of that feeling of cold transfers into being irritated or feeling cold towards others.

You know, we talk about being hang gree or you know, um, what's a good word for somebody who is tired and therefore there's like angry, there's there's no tired and angry, but there's another word for it, but I'm too tired to think of it. This idea of just how, the emotions almost per me through our body and then project out onto others and and and think that these things are the main things that are causing it. If I'm feeling super tired, then maybe the person who is rushing me is actually the one I think causing the problem. But really maybe the problem is just I didn't sleep well and if I slept well then I would be okay thinking about hunger, thinking about temperature. If someone is too cold, how do we behave when we're feeling too cold? How do we behave when we're feeling too hot? How do we behave when, you know, maybe it's very sticky so or like very hot and humid. Um How do we feel when we're feeling very sweaty and how does that impact our interactions with others so much when we're smelling bad? Right, we haven't showered in a while or bathed in a while. How does that impact us? Little things like this, which I think.

They seem small, maybe or insignificant, but I think these, bodily functions. These bodily states really can impact how we interact with others and with ourselves and what we believe.

I've looked at it from a political standpoint sometimes, I think just emotionally what we're going through really, tends to choose who we vote for or vote against or which issues we we're supporting or going against as well.

Yeah, I think it just reminds me of a, I was at a friend's house once and the guy came home from work and he had a bad day at work and he was worked in law and got really angry and he came home and he was angry, he was just anger from work, came home angry at home, anger permeated the house. Everyone was feeling the anger and then he felt angry and then others felt angry, just kinda domino effect same thing when somebody gets hurt in a relationship, somebody gets hurt and feels betrayed and so that they start to close off and buy them closing off. It can cause me to feel hurt and close off and then that can cause somebody else to feel hurt because I'm closing off from them and then they close off.

They can also go the other way where, you know when one opens and then another opens and another opens. I just think it's really interesting to see, to pay more attention to these kind of trickle down effects. These trickle effects how they impact other people, but how one aspect in our lives can also impact things that are much more indirect in our lives that we may not realize.

It's about five minutes and I'm tired, so I'm gonna go to bed and I'll talk to you all soon. Take care.

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