
Hello everyone welcome to another DailyJim it's Wednesday august 10th 2022. Today I want to talk about how how much work is involved when we distrust people. Ah my goodness!

I've been in some twitter conversations back and forth throughout the day, and they've taken so many wild turns and somehow it always ends up talking about Hillary Clinton and her email server and some of these things if you're unaware, Hillary Clinton was investigated for having, um using a private email server while she was Secretary of State I believe and having some classified information on that server.

And there was a long investigation by the FBI by multiple inspector general, Inspectors general from different organizations within the government, and the director of the FBI James Comey came out and this was in july 2016 6 years ago came out and said that they were making a recommendation to the D. O. J. To but also his his recommendation that he doesn't normally publicizes that there wasn't enough there to charge anyways. I know so many more details about this because I was in a lot of back and forth and people were making claims and I wasn't sure if those claims are true. And so I started to research and I went and looked on Wikipedia. I looked on the FBI website. I looked in many different places. And I'm tired. I'm tired. It's just so much easier if I look and I go, okay, I trust the inspectors general did their job. I trust the FBI director did his job? I trust that the people who investigated whether the FBI director did his job did their job. I trust that they did the investigation on clinton properly. I trust that the multiple investigations from multiple angles, most of them, if not all of them, were done properly. And just it's so much easier that way. I'm currently at least a citizen. I don't have a role in the FBI. I don't have a role in Department of Justice. I don't have a role on CNN I don't even then like I don't have a role within the government. I don't have, this is not my job in a way that is a big part of me that loves the idea of a representative democracy or like a democratic republic, in the idea that I can vote for people who then and go and do the job. So I don't have to do the job. I want to do other stuff. I don't want to research in depth law all the time. Honestly it was one of the things that I felt so excited when trump was no longer in office. Wait, I don't have to know so much about politics. I mean I enjoy politics. I enjoy conversations but I don't want to have to keep up with it nonstop. If I'm not actively involved in it. Oh don't we hire people to do this isn't that the point isn't that the point to choose elected representatives or two? That will therefore higher the people in the organizations to make the decisions to have the expertise to do these things. I don't know. I just, it seems maybe nowadays because we have access to the internet and access to so much information, and we I think most of us tend to be quite curious to learn things or we get angry and frustrated and that drives our curiosity to learn more. I think it gives us this false impression that one we can learn all this stuff to, then it's our job to do. So I don't know, I laugh at it, but it frustrates me. It really frustrates me when people come to me and tell me to do my own research, do your own research and you'll figure it out. How will I figure it out? How will I understand the tax code? I was talking with somebody today, I think they said the tax code itself is 10,000 pages, 10,000 pages or 10,000 lines or I don't know what, that's a lot. That's a lot for me to understand. I don't understand all that stuff. I need to figure out a tax lawyer and most I don't know if all tax lawyers understand all that stuff, they probably specialize in different aspects of it. It's just life is really complex. We've built very complex systems in some ways. And I just it seems trusting other people to do their job well or trusting other people to monitor whether the other people are doing their job Well. You can just save us so much time and so much energy that we can spend elsewhere that we can focus on other things in our life. I can focus on being present or focus go fishing or you know, or build something in the yard or have a conversation or go dancing or build our company or, do more sales calls or further our education in in medicine or in plumbing or in so many other things that we could do. When we trust that other people are doing their job. I don't know. I think I can feel frustrated when other people don't trust. But you know what some at some point, I think I just say this is why I'm doing this. I want to trust people because I feel so much better when I trust people, I have so much more energy to dedicate to so many more things. When I distrust people, it's constantly, I have to feel like I have to watch people and look over their shoulder and double check and triple check and quadruple check their work and it's just it drains me. So yeah, so I don't know. I don't know why sometimes I get in those conversations maybe just to try to understand where people are, but I think sometimes to figure out why we distrust some people. Um I think sometimes we have to go deeper because running around in circles on trying to uh, you know, dive into the, the investigative process from the FBI and whether they properly follow the process and the statutes. I don't know honestly, I could read lots of news articles, but I don't know if that's going to help me do a proper investigation to whether they properly complied with what they're supposed to do at some point. I think I just gotta trust and then I can just relax. I'm not saying always trust, but trust, trust that there are checks and balances in place and trust that the whole thing is not corrupt. It's pretty hard when systems are not fully centralist for there to be one uh, source of corruption.

It seems that when things are a little more decentralized and there's more checks and balances, it's hard for the whole thing to just get wiped out. They're typically.

Yeah, I've run this team. I'm so tired. Gosh. What a day, anyways. Thanks for joining today and look forward to talking to. Tomorrow will be the last one for the weekend. And then, yeah, we'll be off right by.