    00:08 Impact of Environment on Productivity 01:43 Language and Cultural Environments 01:56 The Challenge of Going Against Cultural Norms

Hello everyone welcome to another daily gym as my as you can tell my voice is probably shot. This is the episode for thursday may 2nd 2024 today it's going to be a short one i just want to talk about how sometimes not sometimes i think always the environment really impacts us, i've talked about this before but just give another flavor on it um i wanted to do some podcast recording i wanted to be productive today i wanted to uh yeah do some stuff and then it rained it rained hard and then the power went out and so the rain was loud pitter-pattering on the roof plus the power was out and i thought oh maybe the rain will come back and then you know i can do some work and uh sorry not the rain but the power would come back the power did not come back um right now running on generator and yeah and then i went out and went dancing and it was really loud and so my voice is shot because i enjoy having conversation with people and if it's very loud with music then that means i have to have very loud conversation that means i have to raise my voice to speak and um someone who is doing a podcast should probably be more careful about that i suppose but uh it's a learning process and yeah so here i am with kind of a rough voice coming back i want to take a shower but uh i don't think there's any hot water because there's no uh power.

There's other languages that express this uh as yes it is in spanish it is what it is i don't I don't really like that phrase so much in English though.

Yeah i just think sometimes it's so i think sometimes we forget that we are just like i said before creatures are our environment that our behaviors are so dependent on the environment so even if one of us thinks we could do go in a different direction the environment often pulls us back and it's really hard to go against what the environment has so there's the geographical environment the the weather environment the physical environment but there's also just the cultural environment and how hard it can be to go outside the cultural environment, without people and to go out there without getting pulled back in to really try to pull the environment in a different direction i think is quite the challenge and i think a lot of times Sometimes people don't, I think maybe we underestimate the power of cultural norms to pull us back in. A lot of times when I try to go outside and do something new, a lot of people are like, why can't you just be normal? Because I don't like what normal is right now. Because normal is not static, it's changing all the time. And I've seen normal go in this other direction, and I want to go in the opposite direction.

So I think, yeah, just recognizing how the environment really impacts me and leaves me at the end of the night with very little voice, a lot of tiredness and very little voice, and hoping that I can upload this before my battery dies and that my phone will be sufficiently charged that it'll work tomorrow and hopefully the power will come back. But uh yeah i mean i talk about this but there are other people here who are experiencing flooding not just to inconvenience their travel but also their homes have been flooded people have died get swept away with rushing waters and so sometimes the environment inconveniences us and sometimes the environment can really really change the course of our lives so So I, in a way, am grateful that where I'm at right now is just somewhat of a lost voice, where other people are going through deeper losses. Not to end on a sad note, but it's okay to be sad. Sometimes when we feel the sadness, we come closer to, I think, what our humanity actually is. On that note, I'm going to end, and I will talk to you all next week. I hope you spend the weekend however you want to have the weekend. Talk to you soon. Bye.

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