
Hello everyone welcome to another DailyJim This is for june 21st 2022. Uh I gotta do this during the day. Um I want to talk about God, it was a busy day. It was a busy day in the news. We had Another hearing for the January six Committee was talking about trump and Giuliani and how they pressured, people in Georgia, Secretary of State and a couple other people in Georgia. Um also in Arizona and particularly in Georgia, there was a woman, That they called that Trump called out by name, I think they said something like eight or 18 times on a phone recorded phone call that he had with, I believe the secretary of State of Georgia, and this poor woman just listening to her story.

Um she's just, it just sounds like she's an election worker and you know, one of those people that just wants to just do their job, you know, shows up for a job that's kind of a no, no glory job just to kind of show up and do the job, you know, and then to be put on the spotlight and to be, almost viciously blamed for things that the court of Law has says she hasn't done and investigations have proved at least investigations have proven she hasn't done anything wrong. Um.

Yeah. So to compare kind of the pain that I was feeling, watching that and just the sadness but also a tremendous amount of anger at.

I really honestly it was much more sadness. I just felt my heart ripped out just hearing the story about her and her mom and how they're afraid to go out in public. The woman was saying she's afraid to go out to the grocery store the supermarket. Funny I say because I have some people overseas who may not understand grocery store, maybe they do. I don't know.

Saying that she was afraid to go out to the grocery store because she didn't want her mom to accidentally call her by name and people would know who she was. She was so afraid of kind of she said she hasn't gone anywhere and it's just really really impacted her life, talked about, I think her grandmother people breaking into her grandmother's house.

It's just.

I think someone made a great line, they made a line that really resonated with me and they said something about, maybe she said it turning the full weight of the presidency in the president targeting an individual citizen, the United States president and just how much strength and power that carries. And so I spent a lot of the day thinking about that and you know, what could I do to change some of this.

And then in contrast in the evening I went out with my dad and we went and saw Dave Matthews band concert, and I think it was just so such a stark difference in the attitudes or the feelings that I would get from these two different leaders?

I think I watched Dave, you know, I think of trump attacking and blaming this woman and saying she did this and that and without legal evidence is kind of, saying things and putting adjectives on that person's name to say, that she's a bad person, do this a lot where it's like she's not a person, she's a malicious person, oh, she's a thug or she's a drug dealer or she's viciously. It's like, wait why? So to compare that with Dave Matthews who's been performing for At least I've seen him for maybe 20 years. He's been performing for longer than that with with his band and just kind of the joy he brings on stage and the playfulness and.

You know, just listening more to his lyrics and you know, talking about, you know, you know, life is not so long, let's pay attention and appreciate it while we have it.

Just trying to compare and contrast what would be like if we had more leaders like that, What if we had more politicians who.

I knew how to resolve conflict, knew how to celebrate certain aspects of life, you know, how to bring people together, really bring people together and smile and laugh and cry and and more than anything just believe that we're on the same team, can I go to a concert like Dave Matthews and I look around at all the people were singing the songs together, We're smiling or you know, we're in shock at just how amazing, you know, the artists are just like the musical, solos that they're playing and, and I think about politics and there's not a lot of that. I just wonder what politics and what.

You know, what life would be like if our leaders exuded a little more of that energy political leaders rather. And uh Yeah, so it's my late night rambling six minutes and I'm gonna end now so you can go to sleep or wake up or do whatever you're doing right now.