
Hello, welcome to another DailyJim it is Tuesday may 17th about 5:15 p.m. This time I just finished watching joe biden President Biden's speech in Buffalo today, where he addressed the the city, but also the people who lost the relatives and friends and such in the shooting the other day. I'm also addressing the nation and I was struck In the 1st 5 minutes or so by how, loving and compassionate and calm and.

Gentle and almost tender that Biden can be when talking about loss. Especially I've been talking about grief when talking about how hard that process can be for so many of us.

And I was really touched by the way that he went in and talked about each individual who died, just giving a little story about them, humanizing them in a way just almost like many eulogies. And I really, I really appreciated that. I think in times like this, um not only other people there feeling scared, you know, the ones who were either in the store or have relatives there feeling scared and angry and sad and many other things, but I think a lot of people in the black community across the US and even across the world might be feeling similar things. That's something like this might come to their home community.

And yeah, but then in the conversation in his speech, he seemed to turn a corner and talk about how we need to stop the hate. We need to stop the white supremacy. We need to stop some of these ideologies. Um, and I felt my mood shift dramatically.

He went from demonstrating, I think, so much love towards one group and then saying, we need to stop the hate.

So it confuses me in a way because I think what I was yearning for was him too.

Demonstrate love to everyone involved. Now this gets really hard because when I say it gets really hard, I'm somewhat afraid to say that because I think a lot of us in times of trouble, we want to receive love and we do not want to give love to the quote unquote enemies.

And this is where I really struggle with a lot of this, this.

Kind of late moving energy towards, We need to stop the hate. It's kind of a maybe a momentum shift in some way that we need to stop the hate that's happening in this country.

And I asked myself, okay, stop the hate and start what, okay, we want other people to stop hating us. What are we going to do towards them, are we going to hate them back? Are we going to be indifferent towards them? Or are we going to love them back? Even if they don't love us, who is going to step up and demonstrate that love? And it is hard, I believe it is so hard to do this in conflict, because I think often we choose to love one side and distance ourselves from the other side. Sometimes distance out of apathy, sometimes distance out of antipathy if you will, or kind of hatred.

And I wonder how are we going to start resolving some of this conflict? If we do not unite And if we do not realize that violence almost always comes from the other person perceiving violence happening to them first.

I look at this guy who went and shot up the the grocery store and I wonder what violence happened to him or what perceived violence did he receive? Or maybe not even perceived violence? How lonely did he feel? And how much love did did he think that he was receiving?

I don't know by the end of his speech, saying something like we have to take on the haters, and I hear that language from him and I I don't want to take on the haters. I want to love the haters so that they don't hate anymore with the ideology, with the firm belief that people hate out of believing that other people hate them, that other people don't care about them.

And so just as I think that.

I'm grateful that he showed a lot of love to the people who are mourning their and morning in other parts of the country, especially the black community. And I wish he also showed love to the people who are afraid for their future and frankly the white community, they're not all the white community, but there are some white people are very afraid of what's going to happen in the future. They see their position in one spot and they're losing. And I wish we would show love to everyone. And it's hard, it's so hard to do in conflict. I don't know because if you show love to have seen this so much of my personal life, if I show love to one person in a conflict, the other person thinks I don't care about them. If I show love to both people, both people think I don't care about them, how could you show love to the other person? That means you don't care about me? What what why? Because I care about both of you. So it becomes really challenging. I think this is the type of leadership that I want to see. This is how I want to live and I'm struggling to try to figure out how what is the best way to show this love towards everyone so that people feel loved. It's hard to make people feel loved. But at the end of the day, I just want to make sure that I still feel the love towards all people, even the ones who are hurting me, you're hurting others that I love. Because honestly, I think a lot of times they were hurt by somebody else in the past, so way over time today. But I think sometimes we need to say what. Sometimes I want to say what I actually want to say. So thank you for listening and I hope to talk to you tomorrow.