
Hello, Welcome to the Jim know the Jim No, it's his DailyJim It's the DailyJim not the Jim Kleiber show. It's the segment called the DailyJim la la la la It is June one a Wednesday. Well it's technically thursday, but you know the drill haven't gone to sleep yet, so it's it's Wednesday in my mind. Um I don't know what to talk about today. Sometimes I think I get flooded with so many ideas throughout the day. I don't know what to talk about. Do I talk about the conversation I had with somebody who helped me realize that uh it wasn't maybe about intensity, it was about me not opening up enough. Do I talk about the concert? I went to that kind of blew my mind and went to a concert, saw a guy that I haven't seen Perform in years. I first saw him perform I think when I was in college, which was 2005, I think do I talk about the realization I had at the concert? Do I talk about the conversation I had with the people I sat next to at the concert, what do we talk about? Um I think sometimes ironically maybe thinking conversation will be about what to talk about. I think sometimes we have so many things by we I mean I have so many things that run through my mind to run through my heart through my body. I'm thinking interacting with throughout the day that when I think about congealing at all. And just talking about one thing I can really struggle um and I think.

Okay, let's tie back into emotions because that's always fun, I think, you know when somebody asked me, how do you feel or how are you? I go, wow goodness, how am I? I'm lots of things right now, which which part do you want at the moment? I think I've lately resorted to up and down, you know, how has it been, how are you, how's it been? Ah you know up up and down, super up and super down, you know, everything in between. I just, I think sometimes hard to encapsulate the the breadth of experience that we have, especially nowadays with the internet and as I mentioned before, just kind of, I can open up twitter and boom boom boom boom boom boom boom, like so many different news stories happening um on a public level, on a personal level in the niches, the niches that I'm excited about, so many things, and then out there on tv and boom and then you know, I see the neighbor, I go out and interact with people boom boom boom and just.

And there's I guess there's just an infinite amount of things that we can pay attention to um and the macro and micro level and everything.

So people ask me, are you going to run out of stuff to talk about, because I could talk for days and days and days now, maybe if you listen to a lot of these, you go, okay, well he pretty much says the same stuff slightly changed, but he'll always mentioned, something about emotions, something about feelings and how they all kind of wrapped together. Um Yeah, I don't know. I.

I don't know. I was thinking about this as I was okay. So one thing to talk about um to try to not to kind of change the topic a little bit, but as I was at the concert, I was sitting there and I go, gosh, as much as I love to run classes, I see the guy performing on stage and I want to talk to him, I want to interview him. I want to have a conversation with him and I go, but I do have a podcast, but it's mostly right now just me speaking for five minutes into the to the phone. I'm thinking well. Could I interview him? Okay and then I start going into all the logistics of okay, well who do I want to interview? How long do I interview them? What what topics do we cover? Is it, is it uh topical? So is it, you know, am I interviewing somebody based on the news of the day or is it something a little more laid back? Is it more kind of the style of maybe joe Rogan where he just seems to interview anyone and everyone and I think that might be really fun. I think I might really enjoy doing that. So I can interview someone who is a musician like this guy or I could interview someone the other day who I had a conversation with someone who is a fight and intimacy, choreographer and director. Wow, that would be interesting. Put that on a podcast or I can interview someone who is a professor in linguistics who is doing work, in uh there's this lady I've really wanted to talk to for a long time who does work in what she calls semantic primes. So trying to find the root words, like the root concepts that can be further divided semantically just things like this. Lots of things fascinate me and I want to have the conversations anyway, so maybe if you're, there may be a way for me to, you know, have these conversations is to put them up on the podcast, and um I just talked to lots of different people so that might be coming to the pipeline soon. It'll probably be under the same podcast channel under the Jim Kleiber Show and go from there. I'm totally not hitting these five minute marks anymore anyway, so I'm going to get off before I hit the six minute mark and I hope you have a good night and I will talk to you tomorrow.

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