
Hello everyone welcome to another daily gym. Today is friday april 29th 2022. It is almost midnight here in michigan and I wanted to reflect on how for the last two days I have been moving way too quickly now. It seems like I'm not really going anywhere. I've been staying in the same house often in the same chair, I was working on computer programming, fixing the website and such. I talked about this a little bit yesterday, but what I noticed today is that I seem to be in such a rush to finish the website. I don't know about other people but I think for me the certain task of developing a website almost as something that I would rather have done than do if that makes sense, focusing on having it done, versus enjoying the doing.

And what I noticed in that is that I can sometimes rush to get it done. You know, I'm coding something, I'm typing something. Is it okay if I can go faster? It would be done sooner. Therefore I could go and do other things. But what happens is by rushing so much I noticed that I think really fast, I'm speaking fast, I'm typing super fast. I'm trying to go even faster than I'm typing. I'm really just constantly pushing up my, it's partially like the speed of my hands. Um maybe the speed of my eyes but also the speed of kind of vocalizations to myself. I wonder if there's sub vocalizations happening with the throat and also the muscles in there, which kind of makes me wonder, you know what we think a lot is that are there sub vocalizations that are happening in the throat? That those muscles are moving very quickly? So what I'm trying to do a little bit right now is slow down to really just speak a little more slowly, to walk around the house a little more slowly, to eat a little more slowly, even to try to interact with my phone a little bit more slowly, just physically move more slowly.

I reflect on having run many workshops in the past that go out in europe And we would do these projects that would be maybe like eight days long, and You know, we'd have breakfast at maybe nine Workshops would start at 10, they would go until six or seven at night, then we would have dinner and then we would have kind of the planned a party for the night.

It would be eight, like something like eight days straight of that, like really intense nonstop conversation about 30, 40 people in the space from five or six different countries and trying to interact with people. I can talk to you about this, I can talk to you about that so many conversations and often, so many quick conversations and then I also remember that, often we would stay up late and we'd go to midnight 1234 in the morning, then have to wake up and do it all again for multiple, multiple days and sleep deprivation would kick in. And I've learned this at that conference, those types of conferences, but other conferences as well when sleep deprivation would kick in. People always sleep a couple hours speaking of, I should not do this when the this is this is nice, you can hear the alarm clock chime in my house. But.

One other thing that I learned is that to get people up and moving in the morning to play fast music if people are sleep deprived and you play slow music very often we're just going to fall asleep. But if you play quick music it keeps us going. I noticed a lot of times when I'm trying to stay awake, I'll jump on my phone and I'll thumb through it very quick or I'll read quick and I'll thumb through it quick and like certain parts of my body are moving very quickly, and I guess today is really just.

Try to remember to slow down. There's about 20 seconds left before my time ends and I just want to slow down and take care of my body a little bit better.

I wonder how many out there are listening to this and going, yeah, I've been rushing and moving way too quickly anyways. Thanks for listening. Talk to you soon.

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