
Hello Everyone Welcome to Dailyjim Goodness as episode for Tuesday, July 26, 2022. Um Today I wanted to talk about productive procrastination. I don't think I've talked about this before and, I noticed in myself that sometimes when I'm afraid to put something out, I'm afraid to do something in general that I can often do something else.

To to a productive extent. But I do it out of fear of not doing the other thing now. I think I also have the motivation to accomplish things but sometimes the fear of accomplishing the other thing or failing another thing which drives me towards being highly productive in a different aspect. So lately it's been coding for me where I can say I'm done with the website and then I go back and I code more on the website. Why am I trying to add more stuff to the website? Yes, I'm being highly productive. Yes, I'm getting into a rhythm of coding. And also it probably stems from the fear of putting something out there too much that I think is unfinished or the fear of engaging more on social media. The fear of being more open in public and things like this. And so I just wanted to talk about it a little bit today because I noticed that I can almost mm.

It's not like I'm procrastinating I just doing something that I would consider unproductive and so therefore I think sometimes it's hard to tell myself. Okay, stop, stop doing this, you're being productive and it may not be the most productive were the most important thing for me to do right now. And I wonder if this impacts you as well. I imagine. I'm not saying that all of my procrastination is productive. There's plenty of time watching certain things like the Simpsons and other things like that. But I wonder if you also have this challenge where you will sometimes, procrastinate and put something off by doing something that is productive for you see as productive, which can make you think that, it's it's not that it's not okay, but, almost makes it hard to think of it as procrastination.


You know, not everything I talked about have to deal with politics. I think a lot of times our politics comes from and just the day to day interactions that we have. How many of us, instead of paying certain bills or cleaning a certain part of the house will go do something totally different. Maybe we'll go fix the car or maybe we'll go um help our neighbor out instead of doing our own thing, we'll go help the neighbor. Um you know, so how many times do we actually do something productive or helpful or on the net, you know, on like a net positive quote unquote, but do so as a way to avoid doing the thing that we're afraid to do, which could also be productive or helpful and aligned with who we are and what we want to do.

Yeah, I think it's me just feeling tired after a long day of coding, but why am I coding still like it's good enough. What I have is good enough. Why don't I just focus on making these episodes? So I don't have to do them at so late in the evening. I'm afraid to say it's 1 40 in the morning. Why am I doing this at 1 40 in the morning? I should be doing this during the day. And so I wonder how many again, how many of you are out there? Thinking, well, this doesn't happen to me. I'm either if I procrastinate it's unproductive or if I, you know, or don't progress that at all. I don't, I didn't think I was either. Let me just put it that way. I was saying, oh no, no, this is this is important. I need to do this. And I think so. But to what extent, where's the line, where's the line of this is good enough? And the more work I put into it is often because I don't want to put work in somewhere else. I'm afraid to put the work in somewhere else. So anyways today I just wanted to talk about that a little bit productive pressed goodness, productive procrastination, little tongue twister for the end of the night and I hope you appreciate the reflection and I'll talk to you soon.

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