
Hello, Welcome to another DailyJim It is Tuesday Cash, I never another day. It's Tuesday june 7th 2022. And today I wanted to talk a little bit about politics and actually talk about the emotions behind politics. Something I talked about a lot, but in thinking about the thursday night.

It's the January six committee is having hearings, public hearings on Thursday night and they're going to be broadcast on, I think CNN and abc and cbs and many of the news channels except for Fox news, Fox news has decided they are not going to broadcast it. They will broadcast it on Fox business instead. And apparently the numbers something like maybe Two million viewers, 200,000 viewers and the two different networks, something something like that. And it has me thinking, you know, people just watching some analysts that we're talking about what story is the committee going to present, what happened? Because they've been investigating for many months now, trying to figure out what happened now. This is coming from my perspective and I'm saying I'm imagining they're trying to figure out what happened, that they have the intention of going in to try to figure out, okay, who knew what, at what time, who took which action and did this. But there are other people who believe that the intention is different. They believe that the intention is this is a witch hunt, this is they're trying to destroy, this is a political stunt, this is etcetera etcetera. You can probably tell by the tone of my voice. I don't believe that. But regardless there are people who believe that the intention of this is not is to harm, is to harm our country. It's to harm their party, it's to harm their representative, their their their region, whatnot.

And I think one of the things I struggle with is.

I think so often our conversations are so divisive, we assume that the other person.

Can't recognize something as a fact and we say this is true and if the other person can't recognize it, then they are stupid actually just heard James Carville say that on MSNBC talking about, You know, if people listen to the story on January about the January six events from the committee and I can't understand how big of a crime this is, then they're stupid. He says I don't like that. You know, I know you're not supposed to say stupid on tv and stuff like this, but if they can't understand it then they're stupid. It frustrates me actually. It really frustrates me because I while at the same time, I agree with him that I believe in many of the things that are going to come out in this committee and I believe that their intention is good. There are other people who don't believe that. And so I think all too often.

Conversations about the truth are based, we try to lock them into conversations about specific events and whether it happened or didn't happen. Whereas I think conversations about truth actually, it matters much more about who we trust and why we trust them or more so who do we distrust.

So if January 6th Committee comes on and I trust that these people have gone through the process of interviewing and follow the law and the proper procedures and things like this, and you know in terms of collecting evidence and all and testimony and things, then I may strongly trust what they say. However, if I don't trust that they follow the price and the procedures. If I think that it was motivated and they kind of twisted the law, or even if they follow the law, their intentions are not to figure out what happened, but rather to, punish or spite, you know, seek vengeance against somebody else or, you know, act out of the spiteful dr, then I may not trust anything they say.

And I talked about this because I think it plays out in personal relationships so often, you know, we can have say for example, somebody is in a romantic relationship and that person is cheating or lying about something. And if if I trust that person, no matter how many people tell me to not trust them, I still may trust them. Oh, but I saw him, I saw this person here. I saw this person there. They were doing this. No, no, no. I trust this person. So almost no matter what they do, no matter of the quote unquote true facts, I may still trust them.

On the contrary. If I don't trust the person, no matter what they do, I may not trust them. So I don't think tangible, quote unquote, tangible, quote unquote objective facts, matter too much in terms of people's ability or our ability to trust somebody or to distrust them. And I think what matters much more in politics is trust than truth. I hate to put it that way. And I mean, I believe in many principles of gathering truth and science and lots of different processes like this. But I think what's so much more important is trust, Do we trust people to want to have the ability to make decisions, to have the good intentions to try to not harm me, but to try to help me and help the people that I care about? And maybe three do I trust that they're telling me how they honestly feel, what they're honestly thinking, what they honestly did, what actually happened. So when I think about watching these hearings, I'm going into it with a sense of trust of the people who have done this process in the research. But I imagine many people don't trust them. So why would they even watch it? And I think that's the fundamental problem. The fundamental problem is why don't people trust the United States Congress a special committee to explore this?

But now I'm asking myself, would I have trusted this? If this were led by republicans or if this were led by uh some of the people that trump appointed or trump strongly encouraged or rooted for supported, rather, I don't know. And so again, I think so much of it comes down to trust and I wish we had conversations that were more about why did we lose trust? How have we lost trust in different people? And how do we rebuild that trust? Instead of frankly saying that this person is good and this person is bad and if you don't believe me, you're stupid and uh, or your evil or your whatever other, deplorable or whatever other word we come up with for somebody who just distrust somebody. Um I wish we would just explore on a much deeper level anyway. Seven minutes. I try to be five minutes, but I was feeling it today. So anyways, um, I'll probably talk about politics a little bit more tomorrow and let me know if you appreciate the political talk. I like talking about politics here and there. So all right, talk to you soon.

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