
Hello, welcome to another DailyJim it is Technically Friday, but I mean let's say Thursday, May 12, I'm just a few minutes late, but today I'm a few minutes late because I was out having fun, not because I was coding, one can say coding sometimes can be fun, But I was out with a couple of friends that I have known since I was maybe 11, or so. I've known both of them since I was in middle school and it was just nice to get out and see some old friends talk about the quote unquote good old days and uh. Yeah, just reflect, I think, you know, sometimes as a person who has traveled and moved around a lot. Um it's nice to talk with some people who have known me from the roots.

Share stories of some crazy times and some fun times and you know to go back and forth and have them recall or regale some stories that I don't even remember, remember the time I got that car and I drove up in your driveway and you were like whoa man, I can't believe you got that car. I was thinking, no, I don't actually remember that, but now I do that you mention it. Um Yeah, I think there's something to be said for how grateful I am that I have had so much stability in my life in some ways. You know, it's funny I guess we can kind of be grateful for whatever it is that we have, you know, I can be grateful that I've had this stability at home that a lot of my friends who grew up here, a lot of their families are still in the same area. Um, but I can also be grateful for the opportunities I had to travel. You know, some people grew up and they moved around a lot and in ways that can be frustrating, but it can also be exciting. And the same thing with having the stable, the home, the stable location. My parents have lived in the same house my whole life and so that in a way can be very stabilizing to provide me a sense of comfort, but also frustrated me and provide a sense of boredom. So it's this weird mix and I think a lot of times it really just depends on how we look at things. You know, I think it's so easy for us to say, oh, that person, they're so lucky, they have so much privilege. And in a way, there are some people, many of us and myself, I would say included that have had more privilege and and been more fortunate in more objective ways. Maybe if one can be objective on some of these things, and at the same time thanks so much depends on perspective.

You know, funny side note, I look at a lot of these transcripts and I go wow I see you know a lot this side benefit of doing this. Um but this idea of how do we look at some of the stories from our past? How do we look at some of the stories from our President present or even the stories from our future and how do we choose to tell that story? Because in any story there's tons of emotions that happened in the story. I can focus on the anger, I can focus on the sadness, I can focus on the joy, I can focus on the gratitude, I can focus on the confusion, I can focus on whatever.

And what stories are we choosing to tell stories am I choosing to tell? You know, you know again, oh man the self awareness of having something auto transcribed.

And um they also say I'm a lot. So this idea of.

How we frame the stories that we're telling, which details we choose to tell, which details we remember, which details we forget and the overarching the overarching frame for which we're telling these stories.

I created a couple more audio drills or exercises that I called today and one was on, you know what's one thing that makes you feel relaxed? It's another thing that makes you feel relaxed and did the same for you, hopeful. And I did another one for one thing that makes you currently want to smile. Another thing that makes you currently want to smile and I think sometimes we can get so stuck in certain emotions that we forget. There are other ones out there, you know, we can get so stuck in being, oh I'm angry, I'm hopeless, I'm frustrated and forget that. Wait, I also do feel some hope. I also do feel some joy. I also do feel some relaxation.

So in choosing to tell the story tonight, I am very grateful that I got to go out and see some of my good old friends and to reflect on while things have some things have changed in my life tremendously. Other things have stayed so much the same and that could anger me in some ways, but in other ways it makes me feel so grateful and quite joyful to realize that, some of those stories and some of those interactions are still just as fun as they were back in the day. On that note, I'm going to publish this and go to bed Alright, talk to you soon.

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