
Hello everyone, welcome to another DailyJim. This is the episode for Thursday, February 29th, 2024. I'm a few hours late again.

I want to talk about my friend Bob.

If you've been listening all week, you maybe heard that there's some things I wanted to talk about. Well, Bob is one of them. Unfortunately, I believe it was last Saturday that we found out that Bob passed away.

I just recently, in the last few years, came to know him as Bob. Before that, that he was Mr. Kresky.

He was someone I knew growing up as a kid because his third of three daughters, was in my grade since probably kindergarten, since we were like five. His second of three daughters was in my sister's grade.

And so and he lived on the other side of the neighborhood and I'd always see him out there on the lawn and but really didn't know him that well um wasn't too close with his daughters, um but didn't know him that well until the last couple years when uh you know I moved back home home and my parents would go out with some of the other parents from the neighborhood.

And so they'd go out every week sometimes and, you know, Bob wouldn't always be there. But when he was there, I just, I really appreciated talking with him, but more than anything, just his energy um he just had this zeal for life he just was electric in a way he was he was always playing around he was just he had that, he had like what they say like a pep in his step he just he seemed so full of life and uh, I think that's why it hurts so much.

I think we, I don't know what we think about pain, but I think we don't realize how much pain can come from missing out on the things that we really loved.

I did a lot of coding this week so I really wasn't paying too much attention to this issue and but I read the obituary tonight and saw some old people from the neighborhood commenting and started thinking about the times we had together and the firm handshakes he'd give and you know he came out and went Went to the concert, went to a concert with my dad and me and one of the other dads from the neighborhood last year.

And, yeah, I just, what a blessing.

What a blessing for me to be able to spend some time with him these last few years.

And it's going to hurt like hell that he's gone. It does right now, and it probably will for a long time. But I think this is what we don't talk about, that what hurts is thinking about the joy.

Thinking about him laughing and smiling and playing around. And just imagining his facial expressions and his sound effects he would make and some of the eye rolls, I think. And I just.

I wonder how many of us.

Just don't talk about these things. We feel it and we push it away. I mean, here I am. crying into a podcast episode how many of us don't even cry, to ourselves let alone to the people we care about let alone to the internet and, how many of us have lost so many people in the last couple years this is the fourth funeral i I think, wait, let me see, fourth funeral I'm going to in like the last 13 months.

And that, there were a couple of funerals I missed during COVID.

So I just.

Sometimes the ones that make us smile the most, make us cry the most as well.

Maybe this wasn't the episode you all expected tonight, but I think sometimes you just got to pay tribute to people.

And hopefully this inspires you to reflect a little more.

And yeah, so the funeral is this weekend and I look forward to seeing a lot of people that I haven't seen in many, many years. And also just to learn even more about my friend Bob.

All right. Well, I don't know how this works as a podcast episode and I have no idea on the timing. But I just wanted to say that I'm grateful for you listening and I hope I don't even know what I hope, I'm just thinking about Bob smiling, and how many of us are going to be crying this weekend, and simultaneously hoping that But I do cry a lot and also not wanting to be the one who is crying the most. Hey.

I don't know. Anyways, y'all. Well, thank you for listening. And a special thank you to Bob.

Goodbye, Bob. I'm going to miss you. I'm going to miss you, man.

Talk to you all next week. .

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