
Hello everyone welcome to another DailyJim It is thursday, august 18th 2022 I wanted to talk about.

Marketing the what and the how and not necessarily the why. Um I may have talked about this before. There was a famous ted talk by a guy named Simon Cynic which I believe was called Start with Why or The Power of Why He has a book called Start With Why I Believe. And the idea is that in the talk he says people don't buy what you do, they don't buy how you do it, they buy why you do it. I'm pretty sure that's the line, it's something that I mean I think I watched it 1st 10 years ago or so and something that stuck with me and yet I'm wondering if it's something that's really screwing up the marketing of what I do. I think about with for example I feel leo it was an app and when I focused on selling it as an app or telling people about it as an app where people would open it up in your journal, it's completely private. And um how do I feel what's happening? You can search and sort and filter through the different moments that you've entered etcetera etcetera. Seemed to work. Well when I talk about emotional self defense is its class where you come in and we practice learning how to deal with rejection and guilt tripping and it's almost like taking a martial arts class and learning how to go through emotional attacks instead of physical attacks. And so it's practicing those seem to work well. And then I'd get stuck as I've been trying to transition to more online with this idea of the moko and just getting stuck. Like well should it be called that should be called something else? What's the purpose of it? What what's the big why for what I'm doing this? You know, what's the end goal? When I focus on these end goals, I get lost. Do people buy things because the end goals perhaps they buy it because of their own end goal, their own why? But is there one uniting why for why people buy things? Not really? You know, I think about when I ran it was emotional self defense but it was called I think conflict resolution something in Romania. And my friend who was organizing and said, you know, I have a friend who wants to come, she doesn't really care too much about conflict resolution, but she thinks you're cute. Can she come say? Yeah, why not? Maybe she'll learn something about conflict resolution along the way. And in that moment kind of realizing this person had a different why for attending the class. And that's okay.

And you know, when I talked with a lot of other people who focus on business and marketing and I worked in innovation consulting and you know, it was a lot of it was on how to find product market fit and all these this jargon. A lot of it. I think those that okay, who's your ideal audience and what do they want instead of really.

Focusing on what does the product do? Because there's lots of people who may want to use the tool in different ways. I don't know, I think about like an ad for an iphone, they don't just show the phone being used in one specific way by one specific type of person. They show it being used in multiple ways by multiple people. Now, perhaps there's a type of personality that maybe would use it, but not even that. I mean maybe you could argue, okay, it's a tool that has grown so large now that a lot of people use it for lots of different reasons, but maybe most tools are that way in some way, so I'm just sitting here reflecting even for this, how would I describe what I'm doing with the DailyJim podcast segments, what I describe it as you know, this is for people who want to feel.

Reflective or excited, I don't know why people listen to this. Yeah, I can describe what the thing is, it's basically 5 to 8 minutes of me every day, monday through thursday, talking about how I feel in relation to things that are happening in the world, in my world, um etcetera, often related to politics or business or, um relationships with strong emotional spin on it, who who would want to listen to that? I don't know, some people might want to listen to this just because they like hearing my voice, some people might want to listen to it because they're friends of mine and they miss being in contact with me and they want to keep up to date with me, some people might listen to this because, they want a certain type of reflection that they don't, often get and they like having reflective conversations with people, it kind of feels like conversation, some people might listen to this because they live outside the US and they're curious to hear about american politics every now and then. Some people might listen to this for so many reasons, so I don't know, I think I struggle sometimes with the idea that I should. You know, people say I should focus my business under why when they can be so many different wise for even why I'm doing what I'm doing, let alone why other people would want to do thing that I'm offering. So trying to sink in, relax a little bit. That I'm curious to hear your perspective on this, whether. You sell the product that you work at or how you describe the company that you work for, How do you describe the things that you buy and why do you buy the things that you do?

Does it really have to do with some super end goal that you're trying to achieve? Or is there and just like how the thing is being done? I don't know. Anyways, that's the last one for the week and I look forward to talking to you all next week. I hope you have a great weekend in whichever part of the world you are and yeah, have the weekend. You want to have to talk to you soon.

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