
Hello everyone, welcome to another DailyJim. This is the episode for Monday, March 4th, 2024.

Oh my goodness, I need to start doing these on the actual date. I am more than a few hours late. I have been up very late trying to automate. Oh man, I'm rhyming. I'm getting all slap happy. um today i wanted to talk about how i actually like to automate things and have for a long time and yeah no other message about that today just just me talking about how i like to automate things um so maybe you can hear in the background my computer's fan is going very loudly it trying to update a software trying to install a software from source code and trying to install all these dependencies and doing bash scripts and things and i'm like i hope i don't crash my computer i haven't done this in a long time um and the impetus behind it is one that has been been with me for quite a long time. It's this idea of how do I automate the things that I do frequently. And so in this scenario, I am hoping, planning, intending to do a lot more podcast episodes, not just the daily gym, but also regular episodes where I have people on the the Jim Clyburn Show, long- form interview conversations, and quite a few other segments that I would love to experiment with. And what I've been trying to automate is the process to edit the transcripts, the automated transcripts, so that they are more readable, and also to do that so it's much easier to create short, what they call, I think, audiograms, these short videos where there's moving words. In other words, a way to take audio- only content to make it somewhat visual. And so I've been working quite hard to automate that process so that instead of it taking 30 minutes or so per video, it could take.

10 seconds like and if i'm doing that uh every day or maybe a few times per day hey i'm saving myself a lot of time but also just um again making it a lot easier to edit the transcripts as well so i have been working on that process and so i've been up very late these last uh week or so and hoping to get that done so i can really uh focus on the episodes, so that i'm not recording them at the wee hours this is borderline.

I even though i consider after midnight not really the next day it's not until i go to bed um if the sun comes up it uh does in my mind become the next day so um but i have been automating things for a long time and i don't know if other people have that desire i remember when i was working at caterpillar way back in the day had internship there in 2005 yeah it must have been the summer of 2005 i lived in peoria illinois and i had an internship working in the technical marketing department and i remember i had to do this excel a spreadsheet every day and i got so annoyed i was like oh how can i come up with some automated macros so i could do this a lot faster and not have to to wear myself out um so the engineer is strong in me.

But yeah i don't know i think maybe some of us have different quirks like that maybe it's not It's not about automation. Maybe it's about tidiness or who knows. Maybe we have these tendencies that do carry throughout our lives. I tend to fight against the notion of us having static personalities, but maybe we do have habits that we tend to use throughout.

Um, and, and desires. I mean, as much as it frustrates me to do a lot of computer programming, it feels really nice to make a program that, uh, can make things go a lot faster, and smoother and more predictably and, uh, more pretty in some ways. So yeah, I, uh, that's all I have for tonight.

It's, uh, I'm just hitting five minutes. And so I just wanted wanted to share a little bit about that. Um, I don't know if these episodes are all about.

Dropping wisdom on how the world works. Sometimes it's, I think, I think I just wanted to have a little space for me to reflect and people to get to know me better and understand who I am and how I operate. Um, yeah. So on that note, I should go to sleep and then hope my computer fixes itself self by the morning.

All right. Good night, y'all. .

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