
Hello everyone welcome to another DailyJim it is Wednesday july 20th it's the afternoon. Um so today I am going to talk about inflation and blaming the government, but really blaming people for not protecting us. So I I was watching television earlier and there was a U. S. Senator on talking about inflation in the current situation in the US and I believe he was saying that it's the fault of the biden administration for shutting down production of gas and oil. Um and I believe I didn't hear the full interview, so maybe there were other details and maybe that's the challenge as well where certain things grab our attention and our emotions and pull us in. But in hearing that there's a part of me that just gets really frustrated thinking that so often when we have conflict.

We can get more angry at the person who we think is not protecting us than we think than we are at the person who is attacking us. So in this case inflation personally, I think inflation, currently is caused by the fact that we had a pandemic and demand went down really low for gas oil for many things, and companies in response to that cut their supply, they cut their production because they had too many products and not enough sales, not enough buyers. And then recently things have opened up a lot more in terms of pandemic and people are buying a lot more and there's a lot more demand and supply is low. I I really think it can be somewhat that simple and yet I think sometimes we have this in. So in this case I don't think it's too nefarious in ways. But even if it were, even if, say, the oil companies were trying to screw people, inflate prices and really try to gouge people. Often I think we can get more angry at the government for not protecting us from these gas companies than the gas companies themselves saying well that's just how they operate. And I've heard this over and over again when it comes to arguments about people or companies moving overseas moving to china for example. Well the company, I mean the company should move to china, it's cheaper labor in this and that. But they also people can be angry at the government of the company for doing it. But then sometimes we seem more angry at well why does the government let them do it? I mean a business should do what they're supposed to do, but it's the government's fault for not stopping them from doing it. So. So I wonder if one of the main challenges of going into government or really any high leadership position is that we can get blamed for not protecting people from the other people attacking them? And so that not protecting aspect I think can be an attack in itself. And I was just trying to think about, you know I wanted to talk more about inflation itself and I think this element keeps jumping out at me and just how how often in relationships, um romantic personal professional familial whatnot, do we feel even more anger at the behavior of the person not protecting us? That not protecting versus the actively attacking if somebody is punching me is Well how much of it? Yeah do I blame the person punching me or do I blame the person who's not jumping in protecting me who I thought was supposed to protect me? And I've heard this in conversations with people throughout the years. Um, some people who had maybe a father who was abusive and have a lot of anger towards the mother not jumping in and protecting them. I think it maybe comes up in relationships of romance where you have one person who say the guy is cheating on the girl or sleeping with somebody else, and then the friend who tells the girl this is the one that gets in trouble by getting trouble. I mean the person has more anger towards the friend who reveals this than the person who is doing this. And I'm just curious. I'm trying to reflect a little more on my life and see where that's at. But I wonder if that resonates with you is something that's happened, in your life where people are blaming you for not protecting them and feeling a lot of anger towards the fact that you didn't protect them, whatever protect them meant to them at that time, or currently means to them. So I'm just curious if that lands with you and see how that relates when it comes to inflation and government and how I think often we will blame.

The one who doesn't stand up for us and doesn't stop us. The whole hang Mike pence thing that was happening at the Capitol on January six. The anger towards the lack of protection, the almost a betrayal of you're not protecting me when I think you're supposed to protect me. And just trying to understand that feeling a little more in how it plays out in our lives. So I hope this helped you reflect a little more, hoping to do a couple of reflection exercises, an emotional self defense to go a little bit deeper into this if you're interested. So if you are just let me know or check out the website and talk to you soon, Okay.

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