
Hello everyone welcome to another DailyJim It is Tuesday august 16th today. I'm gonna talk about just imagining what it would be like if politicians said what they were honestly feeling.

So I'm just curious, you know, I think I was watching, there was a presidential election that just um quote unquote concluded in kenya yesterday saying quote unquote because there's still disputes about it. But uh, um, I don't even know if I should be saying that right, You know, it should, that's the uncertainty I have of, you know, if I'm saying that it's not concluded, then am I going against the wishes of people and kind of the process and whatever. But I'm just curious how elections would be if people openly and honestly said how they were feeling when they're running. So I think a lot of times politicians will run attack ads and will speak in very third person or maybe a first person collective. So third person or second person you or they or we, but don't often say I believe this. I feel this, I think this and I wonder what impact that has on us as listeners. Um, I know take my own lessons. So what impact does it have on me? I think sometimes I feel very frustrated not knowing how that individual is feeling and frustrated that they will project what they, you know, all americans believe this. What do you mean? Americans believe this? What do you believe? I want to know what you believe? I want to know you feel. Um, so what if, you know, donald trump gets up there and talks about how he's honestly feeling, or joe biden gets up there and talks about how he's honestly feeling, what they're dreaming of, what they're, afraid of, what they believe, what they worry will happen. One thing, one thing they're really grateful for. I think some do it better than others, but I just I wonder if there's just almost a deficit of this and maybe this is something that's deeper in our culture. You know, I talked with my friend Caleb about this a lot and how what I call step one and saying the truth about how I'm actually feeling is something that most people in most cultures don't seem to do. Um We tend to say what the other person is thinking. I know this person is angry, I know this person wants this. Um not so much on what I want or what I'm thinking or what I'm feeling opening up in that way. And so maybe politics is one of the last places that will see it. You know, I thought, okay, maybe we need political leaders who will change this way that I would be excited to see political leaders lead the cultural change in that way. But maybe that's not what a lot of political leaders do. Maybe political leaders are some that are just really focused on other people and not so much leading, but following from their constituents.

And I'm recording this in a car and I am speaking of saying the truth, I am sweating. Oh my gosh. I'm trying to get the quiet environment, but it's hot. It's like 80° outside and the black interior. I'm sweating. I put the air conditioning on, you can't hear very well and all these things. Um, yeah, I just wish there would be more open disclosure about how we are feeling.

I wonder if one of the challenges is if, if I thought, you know, as a politician, if I thought I broke the law, if I openly disclosed that, well, maybe now I'm going to prison. And so with the justice system that is punitive and not very forgiving. There can be a challenge with openly disclosing too much is something I've worried about. Maybe if I'm to open on the internet, maybe I'll say something that is inadvertently illegal or something that maybe I thought was illegal or I wasn't sure if it was illegal and then I'll get in trouble for it. And so that's something I worry about. I can only imagine somebody at a much higher scale may be worrying about that even more. And maybe it's not about legality. Maybe it's just about, you know, the embarrassment or projecting so much uncertainty. Something I've worried about as well as if I speak up to openly publicly, that people will see the uncertainty that I have inside and they themselves will feel uncertain and people don't want to feel uncertain, they want to feel certain. And so, okay, I should project that. I know what I'm talking about instead of uh the the million millions that this kind of mix that's going on on the inside. Yeah, I don't I don't know. I think I just I really yearned for that and maybe it's, I'm just afraid to be the one to take the lead and have other people go, oh no, I use open uh you know, I talk about these issues nonstop, but, I, you know, I would love to talk about this more and I'm sweating so much that I'm actually going to stop this and I will talk with you more about this tomorrow if you want to join jump on the forum and we can have a conversation there. Alright, take care.

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