
Hello everyone welcome to another DailyJim It is May 9th 2022. It's a monday, it's about 11 50 at night. And today I wanted to talk about how we posted on facebook last week and just how no, there can be a wide variety of emotional responses to things. So I posted on Facebook to about 1300 people, 1800. I can't remember quite a quite a few people and I think up to now maybe 20 Kind of comments like likes and just knowing that about 20 people have read it. But I am quite sure many, many more people have read it but I don't know. And so I have received quite the varied response. I have received messages telling me that they are the person is absolutely baffled and, shocked that I would have the courage to put that out there because they would never in their life open up to that many people asking for financial help or helping anything really. Um so some people just just blown away by that. Um some people really concerned and worried for me and reached out and sent a little bit of money but more so just really wanted to make sure that I was okay, some other people playing kind of the cheerleader role and jumping in and said, you know, trying to encourage me and get me going that way. And frankly some people saying, you know, not not so many responses, but some people saying that I should be ashamed of myself and disappointed in myself and really going pretty heavy. Um and I'm not here to say that one person is better than the other person for how they responded. It's more that there's just people receive information in very different ways and process it differently based on their life experiences and what they're feeling in the moment. Um, and it's hard, it's so hard, I think, and one of the reasons why I, and maybe other people avoid broadcasting things that are more personal or more deeply emotional is just. The wide range of responses that can provoke. Um, so I don't know how am I supposed to feel? I got some people telling me that they are inspired and other people telling me that they're disappointed. Am I supposed to feel proud or am I supposed to feel ashamed or both at the same time? I mean, perhaps that's closer to the truth, feeling the simultaneous is back and forth, elements of pride in the, you know, my willingness to put that out there and the courage to put that out there, but also shame that I got to the point where I put that out there and not having the kind of plan in mind and and hurting some people, some people out there thinking that.

Really caring about me and wanting to give, but not wanting to give because they think that's just going to make things worse. And so therefore not wanting to put that out, you know, not wanting to contribute almost to what they see as a weakness. And again, it's not only them seeing it, it's kind of like this, this jostle, internal jostling of me thinking, okay, I'm proud of this, but I'm also ashamed of this.

Ah and.

Yeah, I mean, how many of you out there have something in your life that you feel incredibly proud of, incredibly ashamed at the same time and you put something out there and you get, you know, the vast majority of is the non response where there are tons of people out there, I'm sure who have read it, but are feeling things just haven't said anything.

And I think that's what scares me the most about posting in general to a more broad audience. It's just the, the unknown and having a lot of people feel kind of the full spectrum of emotion and maybe stewing on it. You know, I had a friend who told me he's he's been frustrating him for days he wants to give, but he doesn't because he doesn't think it's going to help, and just the pain and the suffering or conversely the excitement and the other emotions that other people may feel because we do something and then not.

Knowing about it maybe ever, but or if we know about it, you know, seeing them in person or talking to them months or weeks later and finding it out. Yeah, it's I don't know, I'm grateful for the people who I am grateful that some people have responded and told me what they're feeling, whether it was, like I said, whether it's anger or frustration or disappointment or excitement or inspiration in any of those, but I'm also trying to remember to sit and be grateful for Yeah, wouldn't that people haven't responded as well and just hope, I hope that everyone's feeling all right gosh this this emotional stuff can be really, really challenging at times. I'm just grateful that I'm not alone in trying to figure this stuff out. Anyways, almost six minutes now, so I'm going to end and I will chat with you tomorrow.

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