
Hello everyone welcome to another daily gym this is the episode for wednesday february 27th 2024 i am doing this slightly after hours oh today i want to talk about, the unpredictability of the weather, yeah and we'll see where it goes from there maybe the title will change um yesterday tuesday it was 72 degrees in michigan fahrenheit it was the hottest temperature on record for michigan in february or at least for this area in february of all time recorded history i believe um and tonight it is 22 degrees fahrenheit outside so it dropped 50 degrees in one day 50 degrees fahrenheit for my non-american friends i looked it up it went from about 22 celsius yesterday to about negative six celsius right now so quite the swing and actually when we came out from dinner there were a few snowflakes today, and.

I think we don't I guess we recognize that the climate is changing but I don't know.

If we always see it as a bad thing and that's something that kind of worries me, because yesterday was beautiful but it was weird it's it's so warm in february it shouldn't be that warm but i saw squirrels running around and i was so excited to see squirrels but i'm imagining these poor squirrels they came out and now they're like wait what's going on, And it's, I think it's confusing for us as humans, but I can only imagine how confusing it might be for other animals that.

Have any wherewithal about uh carbon dioxide going into the atmosphere from actually maybe they sense it better than we do who knows maybe they can um detect variances in carbon dioxide in the air and methane and things like this but um, i don't know it's just i think there are so many things that are happening right now that are just, so outside of our knowledge i mean think about climate change think about microplastics nanoplastics think about ai not just the not just chat gbt which is about language or llms for language but how they work with video and how they work with images and how they work with music and sounds and how robots are starting to incorporate some of those things to. Move like i saw a robot a humanoid robot that will pick things up and move it from other places i mean i reckon you say move the uh move the blueberries from the table to the counter and it looks around it finds the blueberries on the table and moves them to the counter What? So I just think we're swimming in so much uncertainty and potentially mass change that.

I guess I don't know how to feel. I wonder how other people are feeling about these things. Like when I think about the nanoplastics, I just, I get kind of paralyzed, to be honest.

Just can't imagine what ramifications are going to come from that and feel so helpless in a way of how to deal with it. But then when I think about climate change and what happens if the permafrost melts, I don't know. I really don't know. Um with ai and disinformation and and what happens when uh, i mean how how is democracy gonna react to it how is democracy reacting to it, how is free will how some of these you know these are some i guess pretty heavy existential existential questions for being so late at night but um yeah just just thinking about how something as simple as oh it's a nice day today may be a sign of some deeper changes that are happening that are so far outside of our control at least individually that uh, not just control, but understanding.

That what's there to do? I don't know. At this point, I'm going to go sleep because it's cold. It's very cold.

And I'm kind of grateful for it, but I'm kind of annoyed by it, but grateful for it. At least it's familiar cold, you know? so alright talk with y'all tomorrow.

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