
Hey everyone welcome to another Daily Jim or rather should I say Nightly Jim because it is about 11.50 p. m. here in Michigan And Thursday April 28, 2022. Um there's so much I could talk about, you know what's so funny like I was coming into this and I was thinking I'm just going to talk about what I did today, which was very single tracked. Pretty much woke up, looked at the computer started focusing on the computer doing work to fix or update the website. It wasn't fixed so much, it was to tweak, it was to make it look even kind of more usable with regards to the podcast with regards to maybe transcripts on the podcast with regards to maybe even comments on the podcast. A couple of things that I was experimenting with and I was so focused on that throughout the day. I didn't really look at the news, I didn't really chat with too many people. I was just pretty much zoned in and.

And then I sat down, you know, evening comes and I look at twitter and I look at one forum called hacker news and in, just a few short minutes got bombarded with so many different things happening in the world. Everything from the NFL draft in the U. S to war in Ukraine and threats that are being made potentially being made against the some of the farmers out there. Oh two to, I don't even know like there's, it's just, I think nowadays, we can get bombarded with so many things um in just such a short time turn on the tv tv moves at a little bit of a slower pace, but opening up twitter, twitter is just a firehose of emotions, be angry about this, be sad about this, be confused about this, be afraid of this, so everything from nuclear war to, to celebrity drama, too cute puppies and kittens and it can really, make me feel so many things in such a short period of time that if I'm trying to wrap it all up and express how I'm feeling in five minutes, what do I talk about?

And I mentioned this because you know part of me, you know as I was working on the computer, I felt incredibly proud for some of the things that I was able to do, like, but when I pulled back and I look at twitter and I go, but there's a war going on, am I really spending my energy in the right spot? I was talking to a friend who is from Ethiopia today and she has a friend in the north that she hasn't heard from in months because there's war going on in Ethiopia, I don't know if everyone calls it war, there's conflict, there's violence for sure happening. And um again, am I? It's weird because I don't know, I felt incredibly proud, but now I'm questioning why should I have been working on that? Or should I have been working on something else that quote unquote would deliver more impact or help more people? And I think this maybe go into the conversation I had the other day about the productivity and just this constant. Am I doing enough or am I optimizing enough? Am I efficient enough? I can't remember where I read it, but there was somewhere where the guy said, I think he said, hate is not the opposite of hate is not the opposite of love, efficiency is, this drive to be constantly more and more efficient, constantly optimizing our work routines are day, our minute, our our our money, our time or attention, whatever it may be. I know it can drive me crazy. But yeah, I don't know. So you're just looking at twitter as much as I enjoy engaging with a lot of people. There's something about the speed of twitter and the. The, I mean Tiktok is maybe similar, just the speed at which, vastly different things can come into my experience and make me feel lots of different things and then often if I'm using a phone, I'm not even saying I'm not even replying or I'm not communicating how I'm feeling. So a lot of those emotions will come in and just get stuck and I don't know. So in a way I was grateful that I was locked in that it was so focused on the computer not thinking about this stuff. And then again, when I look at it, I feel guilty that I'm not looking at it more. But I don't know, I am, I think there's just too much stuff happening these days or there's always been this much stuff happening. It's just, it's too easy to realize there's a lot of stuff happening. So it's almost midnight. I'm gonna set my phone down and not think about programming and I think, and not even look at twitter, you know, just kind of watch this basketball game and relax. So I hope you're all having a good one and I talk to you soon.