
Hello everyone welcome to another DailyJim It is Tuesday august 9th 2022. And yesterday the FBI executed a search warrant on donald trump's property mar a Lago.

Oh so we still don't know many details about what happened. We do know that they arrived in the morning and they were there throughout most of the day and it's believed that they were there looking for classified documents that he may have taken many details are still to come. Who knows how quickly they will come, whether from the Department of Justice or other sources.

And yeah, so I wanted to talk about that today and I wanted to talk about what I think is maybe the underlying problem is that when we don't trust something or conversely when we do trust something, the evidence doesn't really matter much. And so thinking about you know, when this happened yesterday I turned on Fox News on the radio, and I was listening to what some of the commentators were saying and they were saying oh but they didn't do this to Hillary clinton and this is a corrupt expedition, This is a fishing expedition, it's a witch hunt, it's blah blah blah blah. Many terms basically saying that the FBI is corrupt. The FBI does not care about donald trump and it does not care about you as an american citizen and just really hammering the home. The point that you should not trust these people today. People have gone even farther saying we need to disband the FBI. Some people are saying if you don't if you're a republican running for office and you do not want to abolish the intelligence services, I will not vote for you. And very extreme rhetoric. In terms of we do not trust the Department of Justice. We do not trust the FBI. We do not trust the intelligence agencies, We do not trust the federal government. We do not trust this. We do not trust that, and you should also not trust these people. And the challenge comes in when we don't trust someone almost anything can look like an act of betrayal. So the analogy often news is thinking about being in a romantic relationship. If we don't trust our partner, then that person staying late at work could automatically be them cheating or having an affair. That person waking up early to go out for a run could mean that they're trying to get in shape because they actually are in love with someone else and they're trying to cheat on me. They're trying to leave me. That person taking a new job could be that, oh maybe they have a side family and they're trying to make more income. So they could support the other family in preparation for leaving me.

I mean all of those things could be completely benign activities. They could be that the person is taking the job because they want to have more money to support his current family. It could be that the person could be somebody else um could be that the person is late at work because they may be getting a promotion. It could be that the person is waking up early in the morning because they want to be healthier so that they live longer for their Children and possibly grandchildren.

But the distrust can color that situation so quickly. It must mean that this is happening. No, it doesn't necessarily mean that that's happening and I'm not sitting here on a high horse when I have fear of something happening. It can really color what I think will happen. I have a fear of being too popular because I think being too popular means that something bad will happen to me. That means in general I can sometimes distrust the public. I think somebody in the public will try to hurt me or defame me or attack one of the people I care about. And so I recognize that I can have certain distrust and fear of myself as well. And so when I'm looking at this, I'm trying to see why do people distrust the Department of Justice so much? Why do they have so much fear over the FBI? So much fear over the intelligence services, So much fear towards the federal government. And is there anything that we can do? We can say that this process was legal. We can say that this process went through the courts, We can say that this process to even embark on something like this. To take such a massive move, I would say requires a lot of caution knowing the possible ramifications of such. So there's many things that we could say to point out how no, no, the person is not cheating on you, but if someone is convinced that someone is cheating on them and someone is betraying them and someone is trying to leave them and abandon them, what can we say to convince them? Is there anything we can say to convince them. And so this is what I'm really trying to grapple with right now because for me, I trust the vast majority of what's happening in the legal process. I may not like the laws, I may not like how it's often being implemented, but I trust that especially on the broad swath of things, especially when it goes to many different districts, that it's hard for all of those organizations and people to be coordinating and colluding with each other. I think it's much easier for just a handful to do so.

But how can I convince someone else and this is where I actually want to dive. I wish we would dive deeper into why is this person feeling so much distrust? Why do they feel so much fear of being abandoned or fear of being attacked or whatnot? How can we get deeper into that to start resolving some of these issues? Because I'm tired of people saying, oh these people, they just think trump is above the law. I don't think they will say, I believe trump is above above the law. I think they would say the legal process is corrupt, The FBI is corrupt. All these people are corrupt. And my question is why, why do you believe all these people are corrupt? What happened to you? What happened to a friend of yours? What is the personal emotional experience that you went through that deeply impacted you, where you start to believe that these people are out to get you or that they could care less whether you exist, That's what I want to know. So I wish our conversations would be about that instead of about uh like blaming the other side for having evil intentions. I just want to know why we're feeling these things and have frankly a more united approach and trying to solve some of these problems instead of just blaming each other for being. Ignorant or naive or evil or corrupt or conniving because as much as people who, are upset at the execution of the search warrant are saying people who are in support of it are also saying, you know, oh, the people who are fundraising off this and doing that, they just have evil intent to. It's just it almost seems like a non stop lobbying of don't trust these people. These people on the other side are out to get you and they don't care about you. And that's not how I want to live my life. I don't want to live my life where I'm constantly being told and believing that the people around me are out to get me. It just or or worse, maybe that they're indifferent and don't they're apathetic to my existence. It's not how I want to choose to live my life. So I hope this episode brought something up for you and I hope you. Maybe start to see things a little bit differently and try to dig a little bit deeper into what's going on with the distrust instead of just having a knee jerk reaction and blaming people for trying to be able to get you. Maybe we care a lot more than it looks like. All right, talk with you soon.

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