
Hello everyone welcome to another DailyJim it is may 11th 2022 Wednesday 7 45 PM approximately. So I'm doing this one a little earlier today and I think that impacts my mood. So I was watching some news earlier um today was actually a pretty, I think there's a huge loss in the stock market but also in the Cryptocurrency space. And I think that could serve as a nice metaphor for the politics that I was reading about. So um one thing I heard is that the coin base, which is a very large public company that facilitates Cryptocurrency exchange and holds the wallets for some people who own Cryptocurrency, filed I believe with the sec saying that they, if they go into bankruptcy that people may not be able to recover the money in their wallets, which is kind of like their Cryptocurrency account bank account in a way through Coinbase.

But I also heard that the ceo of coin base came out maybe on twitter or just in a pr statement saying that there's no way that coin base would ever go bankrupt. And I think for me it's.

It calls to a greater type of conversation where in private, in certain official publications, like the sec, in government filings in working in the courts, people often have to tell the truth, but then they can go or we let me include myself. Then we as humans can go into a space where we don't have to tell the truth and just hype things up, exaggerate downplay. Really, really stretched the truth or lie or hide. I do lots of things to not say what's honestly going on. And I think this became more apparent. I mean it's been apparent for a while, but I think I keep hearing it over and over again when it comes to politics, especially here in the US. Um, so for example, there was a vote today about abortion and whether it should be legalized from a from a law perspective from um sorry, legislative perspective. So to write it into law instead of just having it be case precedent from the Supreme Court. And I believe the vote in the Senate was 51-49. If it was down straight down the party lines, it would have been 5050, I believe. But one of the Democrats went to the Republican side. So it was 51 49 and I sit here and I go, but this is the greatest deliberative body in the world or they used to say. And I think I've talked about this before, way back when I was covering the election 2020. But this idea of it being mm hmm, how can we deliberate when the cameras are always on? Because I think there's a very strong poll, um two. Kind of dance for our audience, if that makes sense? I don't know, there's an image of Homer Simpson, I think they're throwing peanuts at him and saying dance monkey dance.

That image comes to mind. But this idea that when we are speaking publicly, when we're speaking on twitter, when we're speaking, with the camera in the room, it changes how we're speaking because we're speaking to an audience, we're almost trying to make what we say into something more extreme, more hyped up, more exaggerated, more interesting to pay attention to. And so when I hear chuck schumer, when I hear mitch McConnell or when I hear other people in the Senate speak, they often are saying this is most unprecedented thing that has ever happened. These people have never done this or we have always done this and it's just one extreme after another extreme, and I wonder would it be different if people like me aren't watching, You know, if there isn't a camera for us to just sit and watch and listen to these people, you know, do people if if they actually sat in a room and knew that they weren't going to be watched and scrutinized for every move that they did, would they make different decisions, would they actually come together a little bit more? You know, that would be my hope because for me when I look at the Senate, I see a like a party line split. So often it just says to me, people aren't deliberating people are making decisions and people are just, voting with groupthink party ideal ideology identity um being mobbed being kind of peer pressured into voting with the group. Um but maybe that's what some people want, I don't know, I think I think there is a space to provide more privacy, more.

Discrepancy may be the word so that people can deliberate and actually work together and then come out in ways where, they can resolve problems without having to sell it all the time or just be constantly dancing and performing for the camera. Just I understand the irony as I'm saying this basically into a microphone, but I don't know. Anyways, we're at the six minute mark, if you enjoyed this, I'm gonna be setting up a space where people can reflect and can, you know, kind of give me comments and talk with other people about the episode, and if you're interested in that, let me know. And on that note, I'm going to go because it's hot outside, It's like in the eighties, I think Fahrenheit, sorry, from all my Celsius listeners right, by.