
Hey everyone welcome to another DailyJim it's late, I can just feel it in the articulation. Um it's win Tuesday june 14th 2022 slightly after june 15th, um, I wanted to talk about something I just heard on Stephen Colbert late show with Stephen Colbert, where bob Woodward, one of the famous reporters, bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein who did the reporting on Watergate back with Nixon was asked the question by Stephen Colbert, what do Nixon and trump have in common? And bible responded an obsession with hating the opposition.

And I wanted to talk about that a little more and as bob Woodward goes into it a little more, he talks about how trump believes seems to believe that all of the democrats hate him. You know, he said he was playing a video, we're down there where they were going over the, think the state of the union address and he said, see, see Bernie Sanders, he hates me, you know, see look at all that hate and, this is one thing I've actually talked about a lot with my friends who tend to be more on the liberal side, but and just any friend in general is that.

When we respond with hate, when we respond with attacks, when somebody attacks us and we respond with attack, then it's easy for them to say, see, see look at how much they're punching me. So when people make fun of trump, when people make fun of conservatives, when people, I just don't think it's a very effective tactic to win an argument because it's very easy for that other decided to say, but see look at how much they're punching me. So famously, Hillary said the phrase like basket of deplorables, she insinuated that people who support him, not all, but some of them are deplorable and that is a very strong attacking statement to make. And if people relate to those people then they could say, see she's attacking people I care about or she's attacking me. That means she hates me. And one of the best ways to fight hate is with hate. But I believe Woodward says in this interview that one of the outgoing quotes of Nixon was that he believed one of the best ways to fight hate was with hate. And one of the best ways to quote unquote win, but it also kind of destroys the person in the process. And I think that's another thing that we don't often look about or look at is that in.

When somebody attacks us and then we respond back with similar vitriol or out of spite, you know, they call, they call me a name, so therefore I call them a name or they yell at me. Therefore I yell back or I ignore them and give them silent treatment. A lot of these back and forth micro conflicts. Um I think what we, what I bubbling through um I think what.

Happens in these scenarios is that we think, ok, well if they punch me, I'm feeling hurt, obviously they weren't feeling hurt. So I'm going to punch back. So they're going to feel hurt like me. But what we don't realize very often is that the person who punched me probably punched out of a place of hurt, out of place of pain because they thought, well I started, I didn't start it, he started it, and it can go, we just kind of go in this deepening and deepening cycle of pain. And I think lot of people don't seem to, I think this applies in the political context. I think it's very much so in the political context where as people become, you know, you have certain politicians who say these people hate me and talk about it. Like there are a lot of people who do not like politicians and so if we don't like politicians, why do we expect them to love us back?

So who is going to start, who is going to start to love the other person when the other person hates back, not only for the other person to break the cycle. So they don't respond to me with hate. So if I reach out to love you and then you respond to me with hate, I can choose if I respond with hate, that means you might respond with hate. But if I respond with love, maybe you'll respond with love. But even if you don't, I'll still feel better in responding to you with love than if I were to respond to you with hate because that hate can burn my insides even if you don't respond with it.

And so these are things I really, really care about and to hear a journalist talk about some of the things he sees, in in common with trump and Nixon and not any journalist really is bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein but it says to me that.

Yes that's one side of it and there is a lot of hateful rhetoric, there is a lot of antipathy or kind of.

Pain and anger that gets projected from one side towards another side and, it I don't know I think we have so much division in some a lot of our country and around the world more and more these days because we're feeling so much anger and pain and instead of reconciling we retaliate, and I wish politically personally professionally, that we just got better at apologizing and recognizing that we are all human beings trying our best to figure out what the heck is going on in this fast moving world. So I said a lot of that and I was tired so I don't know if any of that made sense but I hope you all enjoyed this and look forward to talking to you again joe.

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