
Hey, welcome to another DailyJim It is Wednesday May 25th 2022 almost five o'clock P. M. Eastern time zone. Today. I wanted to talk a little bit about.

The school shooting that happened yesterday, but not so much about the shooting but our reaction to it and maybe where we can go from here.

I, so if you're not unaware as I was, I wasn't paying attention to the news yesterday. I didn't find out until later 19 Children and two teachers, adult teachers were killed yesterday in a shooting in the school in texas, believe fourth grade students. So that's what maybe like 10 years old, nine or 10 years old And something like 17 others were injured.

And this keeps happening in the United States. Um, just a couple of weeks ago, there was a shooting in buffalo at the supermarket, the grocery store six months ago or so. There was a shooting just about 25 miles from my house at a high school in michigan.

Wherefore I think four students died and we keep, just letting it happen.

And today.

I don't even mm hmm.

What angers me is that we continue to have the same type of conversations. We continue to talk about this in the almost the exact same way but keep amping up our anger or frustration with it without changing the format of the conversation. So what I mean by that is we almost consistently say one side says we need to get rid of the guns and the other side says it's a mental health problem, frankly. I don't like the term mental health too much. I think actually, what I would really wish we talk about is how this is an emotional health challenge. It is an emotional issue that emotions matter and how people feel in relation to the same, how people feel differently in relation to the same thing. Is the issue? Or is it at least one of the main issues? So, for example?

I I can only imagine the pain that some of these parents are feeling right now. The ones who went through this.

And I can only imagine the pain that so many parents around this country are feeling and the fear thinking that their Children, you may go through something similar.

I can imagine it being paralyzing.

So these people may be feeling a tremendous amount of pain and fear regarding school shootings are other people not feeling this fear, The people who say that we don't need to get rid of guns and don't need to get rid of the ability for people to easily buy assault rifles. Are they not feeling the same level of fear towards this specific issue of school shootings? Do they feel fear related to shootings? But in a different way? Are these people absolutely mortified or paralyzed by fear or terrified of the government coming in and stealing their property? Are they like what in my I'm trying to understand like what could justify what could trump, what fear could override the fear of school shootings.

Sometimes people say it's the fear of freedom. Well I don't want my freedom taken away freedom taken away by whom who do you fear will take your freedom? And how is it a gang you're afraid of? A gang will come in? Are you afraid of the government were coming in? I'm not saying that these are necessarily wrong fears to have. I'm just trying to understand what are the emotions at play and I wish we would talk about the actual emotions underlying why we still have problems with gun violence. Why we still have school shootings, where we have mass shootings, why we have, drug problems in this country, why we have overdoses, why we have such disagreement on abortion, why we have such a disagreement on immigration, why we have so many political disagreements, but we talk about them as if these are all principles and theories and ideologies that people hold instead of actually figuring out and talking about how we feel and why we feel the ways we feel. And really getting into the nitty gritty of I fear this. I am excited for this. I am proud of this and realizing that not everyone has the same emotion in reaction to the same circumstance or happening. So how can we start to untie and stop focusing just on the event? But talk about the emotional reactions we have to these events and talk about how they're different and try to come together and realize that we're trying our best. We all feel different things. But how do we come together so that we actually do something that works for each other.

And I think one of the problems is the way that we talk about this. So I'm hoping to experiment a little bit more today, a little bit on here, but maybe some different formats of episodes to dive more deeply into how are we possibly feeling, as it relates to these to this issue specifically, But more issues as well, because I wish we take these conversations to a much deeper level. I'm just so tired of these superficial, top level conversations of blaming someone as being evil and bad because they don't want to do the thing that we don't want to do, that we want to do. I'm really tired of it. Just, I'm so tired of bashing my head against the wall of the other side is evil. It's just not working. I mean it's giving me a headache and it's not working. So I hope that by going deeper we may actually start to come closer together as humans. I really hope so. Um I'll post some episodes. It'll be to the same podcast. I'm not sure we're going to call him yet, but you'll see him in a few by the end of the day, probably. Alright, talk to you soon.